JSON-RPC Endpoints


Here is a list of all the supported RPC endpoints of smartBCH, sorted by the prefixes. The endpoints with "sbch" prefix are smartBCH-specific, which are used by the BasicBrowser. The endpoints with "web3", "net" and "eth" prefixes have the same function as infura, except for some features which are described below.




⚠️the 'pending' block number parameter is not supported, because the mempool of smartbchd is invisable now.

The throughput of smartBCH is very high, and no transactions will be waiting in the mempool for a long time, so there is no need to check whether a transaction is accepted by mempool.

JSON-RPC methods
Doc (eth.wiki)
Doc (infura.io/docs)





Txpool (non-standard)

JSON-RPC methods



✅ (returns empty data)



✅ (returns empty data)



✅ (returns empty data)


JSON-RPC methods
Doc (eth.wiki)
Doc (infura.io/docs)


Returns the information about transactions requested by sender address and block range.


  1. DATA, 20 Bytes - from address

  2. QUANTITY - integer, start number

  3. QUANTITY - integer, end number

  4. QUANTITY - integer, the maximal number of txs to return, 0 stands for default limit

Note: the start number can be greater than the end number, if so, the results will be sorted by block height in descending order.


Array - array of transaction objects, see eth_getTransactionByHash


Returns the information about transactions requested by recipient address and block range.


  1. DATA, 20 Bytes - to address

  2. QUANTITY|TAG - integer of start number, or string "latest" for the last mined block

  3. QUANTITY|TAG - integer of end number, or string "latest" for the last mined block

  4. QUANTITY - integer, the maximal number of txs to return, 0 stands for default limit

Note: the start number can be greater than the end number, if so, the results will be sorted by block height in descending order.


Array - array of transaction objects, see eth_getTransactionByHash


Returns the information about transactions requested by address (sender or recipient) and block range.


  1. DATA, 20 Bytes - from or to address

  2. QUANTITY|TAG - integer of start number, or string "latest" for the last mined block

  3. QUANTITY|TAG - integer of end number, or string "latest" for the last mined block

  4. QUANTITY - integer, the maximal number of txs to return, 0 stands for default limit

Note: the start number can be greater than the end number, if so, the results will be sorted by block height in descending order.


Array - array of transaction objects, see eth_getTransactionByHash


Query logs by address, topics and block range. It is different from eth_getLogs in:

  1. the contract address is required, not optional;

  2. the topics are position-independent, which means as long as a log has the specified topics in any position, it will be included in the returned result.


  1. DATA, 20 Bytes - contract address

  2. Array of DATA, topics

  3. QUANTITY|TAG - integer of start number, or string "latest" for the last mined block

  4. QUANTITY|TAG - integer of end number, or string "latest" for the last mined block

  5. QUANTITY - integer, the maximal number of txs to return, 0 stands for default limit.

Note: the start number can be greater than the end number, if so, the results will be sorted by block height in descending order.


Array - array of log objects, see eth_getLogs


Get tx list by height.


  1. QUANTITY|TAG - integer of start number, or string "latest" for the last mined block


Array - array of transaction objects, see sbch_getTransactionReceipt


Get tx list by height and tx index range.


  1. QUANTITY|TAG - integer of start number, or string "latest" for the last mined block

  2. QUANTITY - integer of start tx index

  3. QUANTITY - integer of end tx index, or "0x0" which stands for "the largest tx index"


Array - array of transaction objects, see sbch_getTransactionReceipt


Returns the times addr acts as a to-address or from-address of a transaction.


  1. String, kind of the query, could be "from", "to", or "both"

  2. DATA, 20 Bytes - EOA or contract address


QUANTITY - integer of count


Returns the times addr acts as a to-address or from-address of a SEP20 Transfer event at some contract.


  1. String, kind of the query, could be "from", "to", or "both"

  2. DATA, 20 Bytes - SEP20 contract address

  3. DATA, 20 Bytes - EOA or contract address


QUANTITY - integer of count


Enhanced version of eth_getTransactionReceipt, the returned array of objects contain additional information about internal transactions.

Parameters: same as eth_getTransactionReceipt

Returns: array of objects sepcified by eth_getTransactionReceipt plus one more field of type Array: internalTransactions.

Each object in internalTransactions array contains the following fields:

  • callPath: string - a string representation of call type, depth and index of internal transaction (e.g. staticcall_0_1_1).

  • from: DATA, 20 Bytes - address of the sender.

  • to: DATA, 20 Bytes - address of the receiver.

  • gas: QUANTITY - gas provided by the sender.

  • value: QUANTITY - value transferred in Wei.

  • input: DATA - the data send along with the internal transaction.

  • status: QUANTITY - either 1 (success) or 0 (failure).

  • gasUsed: QUANTITY - the amount of gas used by this internal transaction.

  • output: DATA - the data returned by the internal transaction.

  • contractAddress: DATA, 20 Bytes - The contract address created, if the transaction was a contract creation, otherwise null.


Returns the validators info.

Parameters: N/A

Returns: a validator info object:

  • genesisMainnetBlockHeight: QUANTITY - The BCH mainnet height when smartbch chain mint genesis block.

  • currEpochNum: QUANTITY - The epoch number of current epoch.

  • validators: Array - Array of validator object, which mean validators created by call stakingContract.createValidator method.

  • validatorsUpdate: Array - Array of validator object, which mean validators whose voting power updated when epoch switch.

  • pendingRewards: Array - Array of pending rewards object, which mean validator pending rewards.

  • minGasPrice: QUANTITY - The minimum gas price decided in current block.

  • lastMinGasPrice: QUANTITY - The minimum gas price used in current block.

  • currValidators: Array - Array of validator object, which mean validators who on duty in current epoch.

And the validator object has fields:

  • address: DATA, 20 Bytes - Address of the validator.

  • pubkey: DATA, 32 Bytes - Consensus pubkey of the validator.

  • reward_to: DATA, 20 Bytes - Address to receive block mint rewards.

  • voting_power: QUANTITY - The minimum gas price decided in current block.

  • introduction: String - The introduction of validator.

  • staked_coins DATA, 32 Bytes - Staked coins of the validator.

  • is_retiring: Boolean - Indicate whether validator is retired.

Last updated