
This document introduces how to join the mainnet of smartBCH as a normal node (non-validator node).

Before you start, you must have a trusted server running bitcoincashnode's client with RPC enabled. The executable smartbchd will connect to it for querying staking information.

First, build the latest binary by running the steps of this document.

Second, prepare the working directory:

cp ~/smart_bch/smartbch/smartbchd ~/build/smartbchd
cd ~
rm -rf .smartbchd
~/build/smartbchd init mynode --chain-id 0x2710
tar zxvf dot.smartbchd.tgz
cp -rf dot.smartbchd/* .smartbchd/

Third, open the ~/.smartbchd/config/app.toml file to modify the information of the bitcoincashnode's client with RPC enabled.

# BCH mainnet rpc url (Only BCHN & BCHD are well tested)
mainnet-rpc-url = "http://ip-address:8332"

# BCH mainnet rpc username
mainnet-rpc-username = "<my user name>"

# BCH mainnet rpc password
mainnet-rpc-password = "<my password>"

Last, start smartbchd.

cd ~/build
./smartbchd start --mainnet-genesis-height=698502


You can also run your smartBCH node using Docker. First, clone smartBCH and build Docker image for mainnet (or pull prebuilt images from DockerHub):

git clone
cd smartbch
docker image build -f Dockerfile.optimized -t smartbchd:latest .

Second, prepare smartBCH mainnet home directory:

cd somewhere
mkdir smartbchd_home
docker run \
  -v path/to/smartbchd_home:/root/.smartbchd \
  smartbchd:latest init mynode --chain-id 0x2710

tar xvf dot.smartbchd.tgz
cp -rfv dot.smartbchd/* smartbchd_home/

Third, edit smartbchd_home/config/app.toml, modify the information of the bitcoincashnode's client:

mainnet-rpc-url = "http://ip-address:8332" # BCH mainnet rpc url
mainnet-rpc-username = "<my user name>"    # BCH mainnet rpc username
mainnet-rpc-password = "<my password>"     # BCH mainnet rpc password

Last, start smartbchd using Docker like this:

docker run \
  -v path/to/smartbchd_home:/root/.smartbchd \
  -p \
  -p \
  -p \
  --ulimit nofile=65535:65535 \
  --log-opt max-size=200m \
  -d smartbchd:latest start --mainnet-genesis-height=698502

Last updated

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